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Thermodynamics and weight loss - physics and weight loss

31-01-2017 à 13:30:33
Thermodynamics and weight loss
To see what I mean, take a look at the syllabus for the thermodynamics course at MIT and skim through a few of the lectures. Isocaloric low carbohydrate (CHO) vs. If so, what biochemical mechanisms might plausibly explain it. Any reproducible violation of it, however small, would bring the discoverer great riches as well as a trip to Stockholm. We have previously shown that thermodynamics does not support such a view and that diets of different macronutrient content may be expected to induce different changes in body mass. Therefore such variability is permitted and can be related to differences in weight lost. If so, what mechanisms might account for such a phenomenon. It is not possible to find any other law (except, perhaps, for super selection rules such as charge conservation) for which a proposed violation would bring more skepticism than this one. Low High Low CHO arm (no. Follow me on Twitter Subscribe to my RSS Feed. When you get a grasp of the laws of thermodynamics it becomes pretty easy to see how they can be confusing not only to the great unwashed masses but even to scientists who have never really taken the time to study them. And Ivan Bazarov wrote the following in a thermodynamics text from 1964. The second law of thermodynamics is, without a doubt, one of the most perfect laws in physics. higher carbohydrate investigations. Authors of various blogs and other online sites rabbit on about how the laws of thermodynamics are aligned with their pet theories. Reduced thermodynamic efficiency will result in increased weight loss.

An outline may be described: Can metabolic advantage happen. Mechanisms are as yet unknown, but plausible mechanisms at the metabolic level are proposed. In this review, for pedagogic clarity, we reframe the theoretical discussion to directly link thermodynamic inefficiency to weight change. So, I figured is was time to delve into these mysterious laws so that readers of this blog at least can know thermodynamic nonsense when they see it. No violation of any law of thermodynamics is known to have occurred in over 200 years of research in this area. A critical look at nutritional science and anything else that strikes my fancy. The problem in outline: Is metabolic advantage theoretically possible. The author of a book of thermodynamics that I have writes the following. Everyone it seems is using the laws of thermodynamics to justify every position imaginable in the field of weight loss. The existence of variable efficiency and metabolic advantage is therefore an empiric question rather than a theoretical one, confirmed by many experimental isocaloric studies, pending a properly performed meta-analysis. Variable thermodynamic efficiency due to dietary manipulation is permitted by physical laws, is supported by much experimental data, and may be reasonably explained by plausible mechanisms. Before we jump into these laws, I want to show you why scientists typically heap scorn on anyone who claims to have somehow violated the laws of thermodynamics. P robably no laws of physics have been so over invoked and less understood than the laws of thermodynamics. Beyond caloric restriction, several studies have shown increased weight loss on low carbohydrate diets compared to isocaloric low fat diets, the so-called metabolic advantage (see table 2 ). The laws of thermodynamics are silent on the existence of variable thermodynamic efficiency in metabolic processes. Those critics who grant efficacy of low carbohydrate diets nonetheless contend that they act strictly by caloric restriction and there is no special effect of carbohydrate reduction. Thermodynamics are seemingly simple at first glance, but the more you dig into them, the more complex they become. If it is found to be contradicted by observation — well, these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes.

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